There are saffron gummies that taste good. They add fruit flavoring.
I wanted to add saffron to my daily supplement regiment so I checked out Amazon for some choices. I personally was looking for a gummy supplement that just contained saffron and no other ingredients. I was looking for a gummy supplement because I am already taking enough other pill supplements and like to balance it out with some gummy ones. I was looking for a pill with just saffron because I am monitoring how the different supplements impact me and that is harder to do if you are taking supplements with other things added. I am already taking a very good multi-vitamin so a repeat of some of the add on items were not necessary. It is good to keep in mind that the fancier the supplement with a bunch of added items to it usually increases the cost.
I found the ASquared Nutrition Saffron gummy (90 count) that tastes amazing. It has a really good natural cherry flavor. If you don’t like the taste of cherry – this Saffron supplement is not for you.
Price is kind of high for these saffron gummies (around $23 – $25 on Amazon) but it is affordable because it has 90 pills in a container (3 months worth – if you take one a day) Other brands that I found on Amazon were less pills for the same price or they had less saffron per pill so you would need to take two pills. It is important to look at the dosage per pill when looking at cost. I debated ordering a few more to do a comparison for this article and then decided NO – this is the best value and it tastes good so I really don’t want to.